Volunteer Opportunities


MCCO has been operating for over 15 years because of the kindness and generosity of our volunteers. They understand that we are here to give hope and care for those in need, giving a hand up, not a hand out. Volunteers make up the majority of our workforce, taking charge of tasks from cleaning the kitchen, to restocking and packing produce, everyone has a function.

Meet our team

• Site Manager & MCCO staff (2)

• Community hours for Correctional Services clients

• Basic warehouse volunteer jobs (over 100 volunteers)

Become a volunteer

We want to thank all of our volunteers that help out at Margaret Court Community Outreach and our many community-based projects.

CLICK HERE to see a full, comprehensive list of the List of job tasks required to be carried out by the volunteers attending the Margaret Court Community Outreach Program.



Our volunteers are the lifeline of MCCO, their efforts, time and heart help to allow MCCO to continue on helping those who need it.

We were recently able to thank and show our appreciation to all volunteers in our Christmas Appreciation Dinner. Check it out below!